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- James Martin Pork Recipes
James Martin Pork Recipes
- Arrabiata pork meatball spaghetti
- Beetroot pan haggerty with pork chop
- Black pudding fritters with a grilled pork chop, wilted spring greens and an apple and scrumpy sauce
- Chestnut, sage and onion stuffed pork loin with dauphinoise potatoes
- Clementine cranberry pork
- Crisp pork belly with Chinese greens
- Fried pork fillet with quince and wilted chard
- Fruity paprika pork with cashew nut couscous
- Griddled pork chop with Thai red cabbage
- Grilled pork chop with almond croquettes and salad
- Grilled pork chop with cauliflower cheese and cabbage
- Grilled pork chop with crisp black pudding, cider sauce and greens
- Lemon and sage stuffed loin of pork with wilted spring greens and mashed potato
- Loin of pork with scrumpy sauce, candied walnuts, crisp black pudding and hispi cabbage
- Pan-fried pork fillet with prune and Armagnac sauce and sautéed potatoes
- Pan-fried pork steak with aubergine, chorizo and fennel
- Parsley and asparagus soup with poached egg and pork scratchings
- Perfect roast pork belly with cabbage and bacon
- Poached and fried pork belly with pickled cauliflower
- Pork belly with apple sauce, kale and carrots
- Pork chop with braised Brussels sprouts, chestnut, red onion and sage
- Pork chop with stuffed baked apples, roasted shallots and boulangère potatoes
- Pork cordon bleu with fries
- Pork poached in milk with cavolo nero
- Pork tenderloin with prunes and Armagnac
- Pork, chicken, pistachio and apricot terrine
- Roast belly of pork with root vegetables
- Roast pork loin with roasted spiced apples
- Roasted pork fillet with spiced pork patties and chilli jam
- Roasted pork loin with chilli and watercress crust
- Roasted pork with homemade mustard sauce
- Roasted shoulder of pork with apple sauce, cabbage and mash
- Roasted shoulder of pork with Parisienne potatoes, glazed carrots and Oxford sauce
- Slow roast belly of pork with spiced apple and cider sauce
- Slow roast pork with mash, Vichy carrots and apple sauce
- Slow roast shoulder of pork with roasties and apple sauce with hispi cabbage
- Slow-roasted pork belly with boulangère potatoes
- Slow-roasted pork belly with cider and apple sauce and creamy mash
- Slow-roasted shoulder of pork with sherry-roasted parsnips, mash and gravy
- Sweet and sour pork and pineapple with rice omelette
- Teriyaki prawns, prawn and pork dim sum and prawn toasts
- Thai poached pork belly with coriander salad
- Walnut and apple-stuffed rolled loin of pork with roasted honey and walnut parsnips
- Whisky mustard crusted pork chop with sautéed potatoes