Madeleines with raspberry compôte

Light, dainty madeleines make a lovely teatime treat.

Equipment: You will need a madeleine tin.


For the madeleines
  • 225g/8oz unsalted butter, melted, plus extra for greasing
  • 250g/9oz plain flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 360g/12½oz caster sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 free-range eggs
  • 2 tbsp runny honey
For the raspberry compôte
  • 300g/11oz raspberries
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar
  • 500ml/18fl oz vanilla ice cream, to serve

Preparation method

  1. Preheat the oven to 170C/325F/Gas 3. Butter and flour a madeleine tin.

  2. For the madeleines, place the flour and 250g/9oz of the caster sugar into a bowl and add the vanilla extract, eggs, honey and melted butter.

  3. Stir well and add a heaped tablespoon of the batter into a madeleine tin.

  4. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden-brown and springy to the touch. Dust with the remaining caster sugar.

  5. For the raspberry compôte, place the raspberries and icing sugar into a pan over a medium heat.

  6. Heat until the raspberries are just starting to break down – adding a splash of water if needed.

  7. Pour the raspberry compôte into a soup plate, place a scoop of ice cream in the centre and place a few madeleines alongside.

James Martin recipes from Saturday Kitchen

Less than 30 mins preparation time

10 to 30 mins cooking time

Serves 4-6

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