Preparation time
Cooking time
less than 10 mins
Makes 2kg/4lb 8oz cured pork

From Saturday Kitchen
- 4 bay leaves, crumbled
- 1 tbsp coriander seeds
- 1 tbsp juniper berries
- 60g/2¼oz coarse salt
- 30g/1oz light brown sugar
- 2kg/4lb 8oz boned pork belly
Blitz all the ingredients, except the pork, in a blender or food processor to a powder and then rub into the pork belly.
Put into a plastic box and refrigerate for around 4–5 days, turning daily and rubbing the cure into the meat. Remove, wash in cold water and dry. Wrap in muslin and refrigerate again for 2–3 days. Slice and cook in your favourite recipes or make a wonderful bacon sandwich! The cured bacon will keep in the fridge for 2 weeks or it can be frozen in uncooked portions.