Loin of venison with creamed corn and cobnutsLuxury fish pieMacerated strawberries with spiced red wine syrup and strawberry semifreddoMackerel ceviche on sourdoughMackerel croquettes with herby couscousMafalda carbonara with shaved fennel salad, lemon and bottargaMalaysian fish curryManchego fondue in deep-fried potato skinsMango and coconut vegan meringueMango pudding with lycheesMantua chicken salad with parsley ravioliMarinated cod with jalfrezi sauce, raita and saag alooMarinated sirloin steak with Vietnamese-style dressingMarmalade panettone puddingMarmitakoMarzipan cake with orangesMatt’s tapas – sautéed squid, sobrasada toast and prawns cooked in saltMexican beef tostadasMiddle Eastern-style beansMincemeat samosasMini carrot cakes with peanut caramelMiso black cod with clamsMiso-braised mushrooms on toast with glazed scallopsMiso-marinated beef skewers with grilled vegetables and soy beef brothMonkfish with celeriac mash, pickled samphire and Japanese-style seasoningMoroccan carrotMoroccan-style braised pork with couscousMushroom panzerottiMushroom risotto with crisp shiitake mushroomsMushroom, feta and caramelised onion WellingtonPages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12