
Nigel Slater

Nigel remains very much an amateur cook. He is not a professional chef. His food is understated, handcrafted home cooking. He believes there is something quietly civilizing about sharing a meal with other people.

“The simple act of making someone something to eat, even a bowl of soup or a loaf of bread, has a many-layered meaning. It suggests an act of protection and caring, of generosity and intimacy. It is in itself a sign of respect.”  Read more about Nigel.

More Nigel Slater Recipes

Beautiful and easy-to-use follow-up to ‘The Kitchen Diaries II’ contains over 600 Nigel Slater recipes ideas and is your essential go-to for what to cook every day.

“For years now I have kept notebooks, with scribbled shopping lists and early drafts of recipes in them. These notes form the basis of this second volume of The Kitchen Diaries.”

‘The whiff of kaffir lime leaves, cumin and ginger wafts from the pages … I can think of no one more likely to coax timid cooks into a spirit of culinary adventure’ (Financial Times)

Nigel Slater Recipes